Best Red Mic Voice Screen Lock App Play Store

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Red Mic Voice Screen Lock App


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This website article provides a great Microphone Voice Screen Lock option to lock your phone with your voice. And although there are many such applications, we recommend only getting them from the Play Store.

In particular, we provide you with information taken from there, because our website focuses only on Play Store applications.

That is, it is significant that people have a high demand and trust for those applications that have been developed according to Google’s recommendations and followed the policy.

In that way, because it is the best Voice Screen Lock application that can lock and unlock the phone with voice, we have come to recommend you information about it, we have also given the opportunity to download it below in the website article, let’s continue to travel.

Play Store Voice Screen Lock App Details

App Size5MB
RoleVoice Lock
Nowadays Installs100,000+
PublishedOct 18, 2021
Offered ByCupid Tech
Official Website
Application Policy

Voice Screen Lock: Unlock your phone screen with voice. Beautiful and customizable Voice lock screen for any android device. Set a voice password and use it to unlock your device.

Using a traditional Lock screen to Lock & Unlock your phone has been outdated now. Use a new approach to Lock/Unlock your smartphone using your Voice and secure your mobile from others’ approach.

Features Of Voice Screen Lock App

  • Voice Screen Lock allows you to unlock your phone using voice commands.
  • Speak and unlock your device using your voice-set a password.
  • You can use other types of lock screens too, for example, PIN Lock, Pattern Lock, etc.
  • Get a cool collection of themes for all kinds of screen locks.
  • Pin Screen Lock is compatible with almost every android device.
  • Pattern Lock Screen is a secure and customizable Lock Screen App for free with various Beautiful Wallpaper.
  • All Screen Locks show and display real-time clocks and dates.
  • Set a beautiful pattern design on your lock screen with an easy password.
  • Gesture Lock Screen app gives you a pattern lock screen with high security.
  • Time Screen Lock Password (Dynamic Password) for the rescue.
  • You can make your phone current time its lock screen password. And time changes every minute, and so does the password too, so no one can even guess it
  • Change the color of the time and date.
  • Change font style on your Voice Lock Screen.
  • Change the background of the screen lock

If you are unable to use voice commands or your voice password to unlock your phone, or if you do not want people to know what your ” Voice Password ” is, do not worry that your phone will become permanently locked.

Note: You guys can unlock your smartphone with an alternative pin code.

Screen Lock App List

Rose Mic Voice Screen Lock App

How does this Voice Screen Lock work?

This is a lock screen application; you can record your voice on your phone and control your phone with that voice. Its special feature is that it unlocks and locks your mobile by saying a specific word or name.

How to Install Voice Screen Lock App?

All the applications we recommend can be installed by going to the Play Store home page, the way to get there will be suggested in our article, take advantage of it and you will get it while traveling.

IndShorts Rose Mic Voice Screen Lock App
Zip Lock ScreenCamera Privacy Dots
Safe MicrophoneKnock Lock

Let’s talk about it!

Such applications protect our mobile, lock the mobile in a unique way, so that no one can guess and unlock it. So we are more than happy to recommend this application that lets you control your phone with your voice.

So, you also recommend to your friends and control your mobile with your voice with this application. Also, stay tuned to our website and social media platforms for future great articles.

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