Picture Password & Secret Screen

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Picture Password & Secret Screen


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Securing a mobile phone that carries half of a person’s information is the biggest challenge. No matter what type of screen lock we use, our friends or relatives can easily guess and unlock it.

If they take the phone without our permission, they should fail, while we should use a screen lock that is better and completely different than he could have guessed.

Our website article is the best help for this matter, let’s share our best experiences with you. Keep the information on your phone safe from your loved ones and others.

A great Picture with number Password application you are going to see in this website article, this application has a completely different functionality.

While the reason to say that it is safe is because it is an application from Google’s website Play Store, everyone in our team is using it, and we have started this article to recommend it to you.

It is a Picture Password application that can be opened by touching a specific spot on the photos, i.e. you can pin a photo on the home screen of your phone.

On the upper part of the photo there will be numbers from 1 to 9 and mixed with 0, in which you will automatically unlock your mobile when you move the specific numbers to a specific place in the photo.

It’s interesting to hear and even better to use, i.e., you can put a great photo on your phone’s home screen full display, just numbers on it, and any of those numbers will automatically open your mobile display when you move me to a certain place on the photo, that’s awesome. This is the application.

Note: Below are all the photos, comments by the creator of this, check it out, download it and get help.

play store details

Official SitePlay Store
Play RoleLock Screen
Nowadays Installs100,000+
App Size20MB
Offered ByBB Application
App PolicyPrivacy
Address24 Phu Loc 9 Street, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang City, Viet Nam

This application allows you to lock your phone’s screen in a completely new way. Only with a unique key code in the range of 0 to 9 and a point you select in the image on the screen. With the lock screen unique, diverse, beautiful fonts, many different customized to respond to all your wishes, will help give you a secure phone, personality, and distinct.

How to set picture password

Set picture password level II (this password needs when you update the password and when you forget password unlock you will need it)
Select a photo from the list available.
Choose any number from 0 to 9 from the screen.
4Set that number (which is enclosed by a circle) on any part of the photo with your fingers.
Drag the number you choose into a part of the photo you choose to confirm, and this is also the key to unlocking the screen.

How to unlock the phone with a picture password

Drag the number you choose into a part of the photo you choose to confirm.

if the password is incorrect 10 times you need to input the password level2 to unlock it.

The functionality in this version

  • Settings widget screen
  • Install the passcode for the picture password
  • Customize the enable/disable lock passcode.
  • Customize color, font, format display time waiting for screen outside.
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Image By Play Store
Mobile Picture Password Secret Screen IND shorts apps news
Image By Play Store

How does it work?

After installing this app, it will ask you to take any photo from your gallery or you can even take your own photo.

On the front page of the photo, you can see the 0 to 9 digit numbers layered on the top of the photo, and when you select an important place in the photo and move the numbers in that place, it will create a password.

Only when you do that your mobile will unlock, people who see this will be totally confused, no one knows the secret that your mobile will unlock when you move the numbers on the top of the photo to a specific place, i.e. hover over the photo, that’s how great it works.

How to download it on mobile?

The option to download it is available on play store, that’s the best from there, only when you download it you get the original application, right recommendation, right update etc.

No need to fear though, we have provided the path to it in our website article with a green button, use it and it will bring you directly to the home page of this application.

Picture Password & Secret Screen
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Let’s talk a few words?

We pay a lot of money to buy a mobile phone, but the most valuable part of it is our information, all the important information of a person is stored in the mobile phone.

So even if we don’t miss our mobile, some of our loved ones and relatives can pick up our mobile and see our mobile secrets.

It is to avoid this issue that applications like this need help, there are many ways to lock the phone, but locking it with an unknown method is very special.

That means no one can guess when you enter and unlock your password, no one can figure out where you are holding the number and where you are pressing it, so take help of this, good luck to you, and share this with your friends.

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