Automatically delete Your Screenshot, After Use

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Automatically delete Your Screenshot, After Use


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One of the biggest and most annoying things on mobile is our unnecessary screenshots.

This means that screenshots can help us a lot, but if we take a screenshot once and don’t need to take it again, it will fill up our mobile like garbage.

We can’t spare time to delete it, in such moments it will stay on the phone with tens of thousands of screenshots and thus the storage of the phone will be full soon.

We can’t delete everything in one fell swoop, and if we do that we can’t afford to harm some screenshots that we have taken as our important documents.

But once you share the mobile screenshot with your friends or relatives, it automatically deletes itself after a minute or two after the need is over, isn’t it a great thing?

It keeps deleting the screenshot you take based on your specific time with your permission, so you can save the important screenshot and delete the unnecessary one automatically.

For example, when you try to share a screenshot through WhatsApp, it will be automatically deleted after sharing, which can be very helpful.

Note: Not only that it is available to you through the best play store application, but more information also related to that application is given below in this article, clearly see and benefit.

Play Store Details

Official SitePlay Store
Play RoleAuto Screenshot deleter
Nowadays Installs10,000+
App Size21MB
Offered ByTehleel Mir
App PolicyPrivacy

Use of this App?

Mark helps you to store solely that screenshot that you really want to store in your phone by marking the temporary screenshots.

With just one tap, you can mark the screenshot to get automatically deleted at a specified time no need to go through your screenshot directory again to pinch out those useless and transient screenshots that you just took for 2 min use only.

Signature Screen LockScreenshot Framer
Android Call ScreenScreen Translator
Automatically delete Your Screenshot After Use IND shorts apps news
Image Sorce: Play Store
Automatically delete Your Screenshot IND shorts apps news
Image Sorce: Play Store
Automatically delete Your Screenshot After Use that IND shorts apps news
Image Sorce: Play Store
Automatically delete Your Screenshotor IND shorts apps news
Image Sorce: Play Store

How does it work?

Adjust how many minutes after you install this application your mobile screenshot should be deleted automatically.

After that when you take any screenshot by clicking on a button it will be automatically deleted after one minute i.e., the minute you set.

Based on this your mobile will keep on helping you save the screenshot permanently or delete it after a minute and confirm.

How to download it?

We have given the opportunity to download this application in a green button in the website article, so you can directly go to the store.

Automatically delete Your Screenshot, After Use
Zoom ScreenshotFake Screen Lock
Call Screen Edge LightingCombination Lock Screen

My opinion

The phone storage becomes very full as it unnecessarily stores thousands of screenshots that can be taken on the phone.

To avoid that, we need Auto Screenshot delete applications like this, and apart from that, try to use such great applications from time to time which can work automatically, i.e., do our work without giving us any trouble.

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