Play Store NoBlueTick: No Last Read App

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Note: This No Blue Tick: No Last Read App related information is taken from play store and recommended to you, because we always select application from play store only.

In addition, more than one lakh people have downloaded and used this No Last Read application till now. Download this application that can be reflected in that way and take advantage of it.

Important: Also, some of this information may change in the future, depending on the update given by the developer, so stay tuned.

Details Of No Last Read App

Published byGoogle Play Store
App RoleWhatsApp
App Size47MB
Nowadays Installs100K+
PublishedJan 17, 2021

Are you a person who just reads messages from notification to avoid others knowing that you read their messages? If you don’t want others to know that you are reading their messages, NoBlueTick is made for you!

Finally! No more read receipts, no check marks, no blue double tick or last seen!

When you receive a message from a chat app, it will also be displayed in NoBlueTick. There, you can read it whenever you want, without any of your friends knowing that you have seen it.

All deleted messages from WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber etc. are saved in NoBlueTick, allowing you to secretly obtain important messages.

Don’t bother removing the internet connection or activating airplane mode anymore. NoBlueTick provides a simple yet beautiful design and makes it easy to manage your messages. NoBlueTick does not access any encrypted files. All data is securely stored on your device.

More Details Of No Last Read App

Offered ByAhmed Awadallah
Official Website
Application Policy
AddressSalah Eldeen Street, Behind 74, Home 2, Flat 4, Elsiouf Shamaa, Alexandria Egypt

NoBlueTick also has Chat heads that will show you unread messages in a small bubble on the screen.
This is very helpful as it gives you the ability to read messages without having to stop your current tasks.

Just tap on the bubble to open the message on NoBlueTick or drag it down to the bottom of the screen to remove it.


  • Hide blue double tick for WhatsApp, no last seen for Facebook Messenger, no last read for Viber.
  • Read chat messages invisibly and incognito, without your friends knowing.
  • All your favorite chats at one place, where you can finely sort them by app.
  • Chat heads for quick message overview.
  • Enable or disable NoBlueTick for different chat apps like whatsapp, viber or messenger, and be invisible for selected chats only.

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Offered ByAhmed Awadallah
Application Policy
AddressSalah Eldeen Street, Behind 74, Home 2, Flat 4, Elsiouf Shamaa, Alexandria Egypt


HOW IT WORKS: Messages are encrypted on your device so NoBlueTick can’t access them directly. The only solution available is to read them from the notifications that you receive and create a message backup based on your notification history.

No Blue Tick No Last Read HIDE BLUR TICK


Please be aware that it doesn’t exist an official and supported way to read chat application messages. This is a workaround and may encounter limitations caused by the selected messaging app or even the Android OS:

1) Text messages are read via your notifications, therefore, if you have put a chat on silence, or if you are currently watching a message on the messaging app, you will not receive a notification so NoBlueTick can’t save it! This also obviously means that is impossible to show notifications/messages before you downloaded this app (so download it quickly!).

2) If messages aren’t being saved, it may be caused by Android killing NoBlueTick. Please remove NoBlueTick from all battery optimization services!

Other limitations may be caused by your Android version, or your system language (in particular if it is right-to-left). Please feel free to contact us and submit any problem so I can try to fix it!

DISCLAIMER: NoBlueTick is not affiliated with or endorsed in any way by Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp or Viber. All trademarks displayed on these applications are the property of their respective owners.

Note: Some of the information you see in this section may be taken from, or may overlap with the Google Play Store. The reason is that it is best to provide the information provided by the developer without change. Yes, only he has the right to change it.

Considering that we are forced to provide some information without changing it, we hope you will read it and understand it. For more information visit the Google Play Store. Thank you for your visit. And it is also true that the reason we do this. if is only to give a better understanding to our website visitors.