Empty Folder Cleaner Play Store (File Manager)

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Empty Folder Cleaner Play Store


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We are very happy to welcome you who have traveled this far to declutter your phone and delete the empty empty folders on it.

Any application we recommend will be selected from the Play Store itself, whereas we will collect all the things and combine them in one section for you to know the information related to the recommended application, and this is the section.

Note: It is best to read and download and use the information here carefully, each entry is at your own discretion.

play store details

Official SitePlay Store
Play RoleEmpty Folder Cleaner
Nowadays Installs1,000,000+
App Size2.38M
Offered ByMuhwan Kim
App PolicyPrivacy

On Android 4.4 Kitkat, This app CAN NOT clean external SD cards. It’s because of Google’s policy: ANY 3rd-party apps can’t access external storage. (except for some custom firmware users)

Very simple, Empty Folder Cleaner: Annoying with many empty folders in the file manager app? Then, this is for you.

Free CallsDot Button Translator
Caller NameBattery Alarm
Empty Folder Cleaner app

How to download the application?

  1. To download the application you need to go to the play store, the option to go there is given below.
  2. During installation the application asks for certain permissions to do its work.
  3. If all things are done correctly, this application will find and delete the unwanted Empty folders on the phone.

This information will definitely help you, it is an important application for every mobile user, so share it with them and reduce the burden on everyone’s mobile.

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