Access Red Orange Dots: Access Safe

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Access Red Orange Dots


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Do you know that sometimes there are so many problematic things going on in the world that we are being monitored by our mobile without our permission, yes there is a possibility to monitor what we are doing with the smartphones that we can use for our needs?

Prevention of such poisonings is very important, and detection is even more important, and seeking the best help for this matter is seen as the most important thing in all.

You have to confirm this kind of thing, i.e., you have to research and find out if something like this is happening in your life (on your phone) and you have to confirm it.

As we have read above, we should also consider where to get the best help for this, so we are going to choose the best (Access Red Orange Dots) application from the Google Play Store, which is the most popular worldwide, so that you can know your security.

What is the explanation of Access Red Orange Dots?

There are many such things, all of which are predicted by our mobile to track us, and it is necessary to find and eliminate them.

An Access Red Orange Dots application can be downloaded from the Play Store that can help you find it, and this article provides information on how to download it.

The reason we recommend Play Store is that google play store is the official website where all the Mobile Apps available are exclusive, so the information collected from there is based on the date of publication of this article, which may change in the future.

Important to note: There are many applications like this available to you through play store, they are only given to us if they follow best policy, many applications that don’t follow will be removed from play store. All this is in the hands of the Play Store and know that the application follows the policy.

Play Store Details

App Size7MB
RoleSafety App
Nowadays Installs10,000+
Offered ByCreative Photo Tool
Official Website
Application Policy

Access Red Orange Dots: Did you know that once you grant access to your phone’s camera or microphone to any third-party App, they can use it silently in the background?

Presenting Access Safe Dots adds the same iOS 14 style indicators (a few pixels light up as a dot) to the top right (default) corner of your screen whenever any third-party app or service uses your phone’s Camera or Microphone.

Configuring the App is as simple as enabling the Access Dots Accessibility Service (Toggle switch in the App > (More) Downloaded Services/Installed Services > Access Dots > Enable).

By default, the App is configured to show iOS 14-style colored access dots: Green for camera access, and orange for microphone access. The App itself does not request camera or microphone access.

Maintain an Access Log, which can be accessed from the App’s main settings screen. The Access Log shows when the camera/microphone was accessed, which App was in the foreground at the time of access initiation, and how long the access lasted.

Trust an app with all your heart?

Access Dot also lets you add exempted apps, indicating the apps for which you do not want any alerts. Easily manage these apps with one tap (this feature is experimental & might not work reliably always on all devices).

This app requires Accessibility Service to detect and show alerts like iOS14. Without this, the app won’t work. So, make sure that you enable Access Dot’s accessibility service.

Features of Access Safe Dots:

  • The size of Access Dots can be adjusted.
  • Assign any color to either of the Access Dots.
  • Set the Position of Access Dots.
  • Display Access Dots whenever the phone’s camera/microphone is engaged by a third-party App.
  • On Android 10+, Access Dots by default sticks beside your camera cutout (if your device has.) You can configure the location of Access Dots to the point of specifying X/Y coordinates.
  • Maintain an Access Log, which can be accessed from the App’s main settings screen.
  • Set the color of Access indicators.

For any other queries feel free to send us a mail via the Feedback section inside the app.

Note: Please make sure the App is whitelisted under any kind of optimization setting your device has, if the App is killed from the background by the System, you may have to restart the phone to get the Access Red Orange Dots active again.

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Play Store Images
Access Red Orange Dots App IND shorts apps news
Play Store Images
Access Red Orange Dots IND shorts apps news
Play Store Images

How do Access Red Orange Dots work?

Someone Accessing My Phone

This Access Red Orange Dots application will make it clear that someone else is monitoring your phone without your permission, that is it will show a circular pattern like Access and Orange Dots, you can ensure security on your phone by keeping that pattern.

Maybe if red color appears it means someone is monitoring your phone without your permission.

How to install it?

The possibility to download this application is as always in the Play Store, we recommend the way to get there, our article will get it to you.

The best solution would be to go directly to the play store and download it, because we always recommend the same as it might have some changes in the future, so go there and download it.

Access Red Orange Dots: Access Safe Indi
Mobile LockdownSecret Safe Dial
Disable TouchDisable Touch

Let’s talk about Access Red Orange Dots!

Applications that can ensure their security are essential and, in that regard, we recommend you this Access Red Orange Dots application as the most important.

So, use this application found through the play store without much effort, recommend it to your friends if you have time, and follow our website for future great articles.

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