About Flashlight – Gallery Vault

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About Flashlight - Gallery Vault

Mobile Vault

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We will find many ways to protect some of our important things in mobile, but most of the ways are known by everyone.

Secrets in our mobile are photos and videos, everyone has many photos and videos that need to be kept secret.

We have to handle this matter a bit carefully, in the future everyone can share some photos, but in the present time there will be some photos that cannot be shared by anyone.

I can’t delete it because it can’t be shared like that, because it will be the greatest treasure in our lives. This article has a Gallery Vault option that can help you hide such photos more carefully.

The best Gallery Vault opportunity available through this article is found through play store, from there you can hide your documents beyond anyone’s guess with a great torchlight application, the opportunity is given below, read fully and take advantage.

Play Store Details

App Size25MB
RoleGallery Vault
Nowadays Installs5,000+
Offered ByCodersCave
Official WebsiteNA
Application PolicyPrivacy
AddressMira Residency, Old Kosad Road, Amroli, Surat – 394107

The flashlight is the Secret Vault to hide your private Photos & Videos. Hide your private photos and videos in the secret gallery vault, without anyone knowing as we have an awesome Flashlight on the top to hide the secret gallery vault.

Your photos and videos will be safely and securely stored in the vault, only you can access it by tapping 3 times on ABOUT in the Flashlight’s settings to open the secret gallery vault.

Main Features:

Secret Vault: All your private photos and videos will be stored in the secret gallery vault safely and securely, you can hide your photos and videos from the gallery, or you can take pictures and record videos.

You can view all the photos in the vault itself, also you can view videos in our awesome video player in the vault itself.

Pin/Pattern Protection: Besides tapping 3 times on ABOUT in the Flash Light’s settings to open the secret gallery vault, you can also set up a pin/pattern lock to increase the security of the vault.

Facedown to open another app: Choose any app from the installed apps on your device and when you face down your device it will open up that app and remove the secret gallery vault from the recent apps.

Wallpapers: Beautiful wallpapers to set into the pin/pattern lock screen.

Intruder Selfie: Track the intruders who are trying to open the secret gallery vault.

Vault Settings: By default, you can open the secret gallery vault by tapping 3 times on ABOUT in the Flash Light’s settings. You can change this behavior as you wanted from the vault’s settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to open a secret gallery vault?

you can open the secret gallery vault by tapping 3 times on ABOUT in the Flash Light’s settings.

What if I forgot the setting to open the vault?

In this case, you can go to Flashlight’s Setting screen and follow the below steps.

  1. Tap on Auto Off
  2. In the Select Period, Select Custom
  3. Add 21 in Period and select min and click save

About Flashlight - Gallery Vault

How does Gallery Vault App work?

This is a torchlight app; you can turn on the flashlight and use it whenever you need it. But when you keep pressing the about button in this area, a room will open at the back, in which you can hide the documents you need.

How to download Gallery Vault?

The opportunity to download this Gallery Vault application is available in palay stir, and the opportunity to reach there is also very beautifully designed, it is a green squirrel given in our article, you all can take advantage of it.

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Play Store Images
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Let’s talk about some things!

Mobile means everyone has a secret in it, nowadays we tend to buy mobiles with high megapixels, and we also record the photos taken with them.

It contains some secret photos, videos and office related documents and we recommend it as there is nothing wrong with doing some things to hide them just for our needs. And we have already given many more such applications, check it out and keep giving your support.

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