Touch Position Lock Screen

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So far you have seen many lock methods, but you have never seen a Touch Position Lock Screen Android application like this.

That means you can use your photo as a password by pinning your photos to the home screen and touching key points on it, which is great.

Most of the times we all like to have our favorite photos on the home screen on mobile, things like lock screen and wallpaper are the highlights, now it can also ensure your security.

How is the experience?

Likewise, a secure lock mechanism is one that no one can find. No one knows that that cute, favorite photo on your phone’s home screen is what keeps your phone securely locked, and no one knows that touching a specific spot on it is the key that unlocks the phone.

Another great thing is that it is available through Google Play Store, a great application that offers this unique opportunity to listen.

Note: All collected photos, information are given below. All of them are collected by Play Store based on the date of publication of this article and we cannot make any changes in it. But be aware that it may automatically change in the future.

Important Phase: Play Store is a platform that offers applications purely for the benefit of the users, and we regularly provide the best applications collected from there.

You should know that the Play Store reserves the right to ensure that the service continues to be available in the future and that this is all in our best interest.

Play Store Details

App Size14MB
RoleScreen Lock, Touch Lock
Nowadays Installs100,000+
Offered ByAbp Developer
Official Website
Application Policy

Photo Touch Position Password: The touch Lock Screen app is a modern screen lock specially made for mobile security purposes. You can secure your mobile by setting touch passwords. You can set a touch password by touching 2-4 positions.

Don’t worry if you forget the password, you can set a recovery password (Pin Password) for in case you don’t remember the touch lock screen password. If you entered an incorrect password six times then you must have to initialize the setting by using pin-code. You can change the existing pin which has been set on your mobile phone.

You can enable or disable sound and vibration for the lock screen. In this Photo Touch Lock Screen: Touch Lock app for android, there is a 25+ theme available for the lock screen. Users can see and set the touch lock screen preview.

The assistive touch lock screen: The touch ID Lock Screen can simply set a “touch password” with the touch of specific positions on my photo such as eyes, nose, mouth, face, or hand.

Touch Lock Screen Easy – Photo Touch Lock Password will allow you to choose your Photo Background from the gallery.

One Touch Lock Screen is lightweight and a popular app beloved by commuters, students, and elderly users any person who has a finger trembling disability would find it useful because it allows them to enjoy their device’s display without interruption by preventing unintended operations on the finger touch lock screen and buttons.

Key Features of Touch Bar & Finger Touch Lock Screen

  • Secure Your phone using the Touch Lock Screen app.
  • You can set a recovery password (Pin Password) for in case you don’t remember the touch lock screen password.
  • You can Enable/ disable the Lock.
  • You can select an image from the wallpaper or gallery or camera.
  • You can set a touch lock password in two or four selected positions.
  • Set a backup pin password to unlock your screen.
  • Set your password by touching a 1-5 touch location on the photo.
  • You have the option to alter the existing pin.
  • You can enable or disable sound and vibration for the lock screen.
  • You can change the existing pin.
  • You can see the set touch lock screen preview.
  • Protect yourself from other users.
  • Very easy and smooth to use these touch lock screens.
  • Best App For Lock Your Phone.

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How does Touch Photo Position Lock Screen work?

This application will help you to set photo as password on your phone, you can set important places on your phone as lock screen, that photo will be visible on the lock screen of your phone, in which your mobile will be unlocked only by touching the places you have chosen, this will be a chance that he will not be able to find it.

How to install this application?

The opportunity to download this application is given in the play store, the help to get there is in our website article, take advantage of it.

You can directly go to the Touch Position Lock Screen application home page and click on the install button to get it.

Touch Position Lock Screen
Signature Write LockerFake Screen Lock
Screen Touch LocMagic Fake Screen Lock

Let’s talk about it!

Even if you usually spend a lot of money to buy a mobile, you should lock it with a special offer. It is imperative to protect the mobile that carries our secrets and information.

There is an extra sense of relief when you do it in a unique way and in a beautiful way. We have spent a lot of time in this article to provide a lock application that can give you such peace of mind, use it yourself and recommend it to your friends. Join our group for upcoming best android application articles.

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