Hidden Intruder Selfie – Front Cam

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Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam


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Anyone trying to unlock your mobile without your knowledge? When that happens there is a chance for them to fail or to open your mobile and see the information inside.

The people doing this thing may be your friends, family loved ones or your office workers, so if you want to know the complete information of the person who is trying to unlock your mobile without your permission then this article will surely help you.

At the same time if your mobile is stolen or misplaced it will record and show you his photo when someone else tries to unlock it and you will be able to know the complete information of that person.

We recommend you get such a special Hidden Intruder Selfie application from play store, and we have already given many cameras related application in article form and we have linked it in the middle of this website article which you can visit.

Important note: All the information related to this Hidden Intruder Selfie application is collected by Play Store, it is collected and provided to you based on the date of publication of this article, it may change in the future.

This is for your attention: and please know that Play Store has the authority to continue offering this application and remove it in future, which is in your best interest.

Play Store Details

App Size16MB
RoleCamera App
Nowadays Installs100,000+
Offered ByMasterApps Solution
Official WebsiteNA
Application Policyhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1CGC2Nc_Cs3ds82XRHoQM_T6wyIjv6dGpNR5vOXMkMJQ/edit

Hidden Intruder Selfie capture a photo of anybody who tried to unlock your phone without your knowledge. You can get a notification alert and save and share intruder photos with your friends. Also, you can hide the picture from the gallery so no one can see it.

Do you worry about “Who Touched My Phone”? We build a hidden intruder selfie app for you. Hidden Intruder Selfie helps you to identify a person who tries to unlock your mobile. If unlock failed, the app capture photo using a mobile front camera. The app works 24*7 days as a phone guard.

We work hard and add many cool features to this app and more will be added soon.

Hidden Intruder Selfie – Who touched my phone:

  • Catch all intruders who try to unlock your phone.
  • Save photos in the app and gallery.
  • Hide photo from gallery.
  • Time and date add in the photo for a better idea.
  • Set photo capture count.
  • Set maximum wrong attempt count.
  • Show notification.
  • Set photo storage limits
  • Set a counter for the old photo that automatically deletes and saves storage space.
  • Share photos on social media.

How to use:

  1. Install the app.
  2. Give necessary permissions when asking for the first time to open the app.
  3. Go to the app setting and set the option as per your choice.
  4. Now, the app is ready to detect unlock attempts 24*7.

How to uninstall:

  1. You need to stop the “Device Administrator” permission.
  2. Now, uninstall the app.

Point to remember:

  1. This app use Device Administrator permission to detect failed attempts. Without the use of Device Administrator permission, the app can’t detect failed attempts.
  2. Android system detects failed attempts ONLY if the password has a minimum of 4 characters or the pin has a minimum of 4 letters, or the pattern has a minimum of 4 points long. So, set the mobile screen lock accordingly.
  3. It’s necessary to remove the Device Administrator permission before uninstalling the app. Without that app can’t uninstall.

Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam
Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam
Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam
Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam

How does it work?

It is important to note that people who try to unlock the mobile without your permission will record their photo when they enter the wrong passcode and show it to you. It can ensure mobile security and work as your friend.

How to install it on mobile?

The opportunity to download this Hidden Intruder Selfie application is available from play store, it is on the home page of the application, the opportunity to go there is given to you in this article, take advantage of it and you can install this application very clearly.

Hidden Intruder Selfie - Front Cam
Front Camera Third EyeHidden Back Camera
Best Camera StyleFront Camera Catch

Let’s talk about it!

Applications like these are a must-have on mobile, providing some delicious and engaging experiences.

Sometimes when someone among your relations tries to unlock the phone and fails, he will also record the photo and show it to you, and your experience will be very delicious.

Because even your wife will try to unlock your phone and you can add to the joke when you find out about her failure. Use this application and stay safe.

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