Circle Side Bar App Play Store

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Circle Side Bar App Play Store


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4.3/5 - (315 votes)
App Size6.3M
RoleMobile Circle SideBar
Nowadays Installs10,000+
Offered ByZeeshan
Official WebsiteSite
Application PolicyApp Privacy
AddressDoddaballapur, Bangalore Rural, Karnataka, India – 561203
How To UseApp Use

Circle Sidebar – An application to make your android experience better, provides easy multitasking from anywhere and anytime!

It’s fast and highly customizable. Users can easily customize the way it works and the content it holds. It runs in the background and can be easily accessed from any screen with just a swipe. The user can even set it to start at the boot.


  1. Easy controls – All the settings are provided on the main screen with descriptions of each function for better understandability and to avoid confusion.
  2. Completely customizable with the way it is triggered. Options for triggering width, height and position are given. The user can easily adjust it to their convenience.
  3. Include Favorite apps – Users have full access to all the apps installed on the phone. At any point, a user can choose what apps to be displayed in the sidebar.
  4. Haptic feedback is provided to give a response to the user as an acknowledgement of their sidebar calling request.
  5. The option to apply custom icon packs is included. Install any icon pack from the store and choose it from the circle sidebar.
  6. The option to vary the icon sizes is also provided.
  7. After the second update, the option to add shortcuts was included based on user requests. (Pro Feature)
  8. App icons and lists are completely customizable – choose icons from a different range of icon packs or use a custom image of your own.
  9. Based on user requests, the option to Black Listing Apps is included (Pro Feature). The sidebar automatically disappears in the selected apps.
  10. Circle Sidebar timeout can be set after the third update.
  11. Enable/Disable infinite scrolling based on user preference.
  12. More features to come.

Last Update

  • Fixed the most reported issue: Now touch outside the Sidebar is not registered by the background.
  • Fixed the issue with the service closing itself in the background.
  • Fixed the triggering problem on touch. (previously it worked only on Tap)
  • Added option to set the timeout for the sidebar.
  • Added option to disable infinite scrolling.
  • Added option to set BlackList Apps. (Pro feature) (Sidebar will automatically disappear in the selected apps)
Control StylesChat Locker
Signature ScreenSignature Screen

More features

  • Now supports lock screen enabling.
  • Added device orientation based blacklisting.

Added Quick Settings: Now you can set a second circle for quick settings. You can set it to infinite scroll with all the quick settings or you could limit it to the favourite settings.

The Quick Settings added are

  1. Wifi toggle.
  2. Bluetooth toggle.
  3. Screen Rotation.
  4. Flash Light toggle.
  5. Aeroplane toggle.
  6. Brightness Mode.
  7. Volume Control (Supports both media and ringtone volumes depending)
  8. Music Control: Play / Pause
  9. Music Control: Play Next / Play Previous Track
  10. Hotspot Toggle (toggling could be a little slow on some devices)
  11. Location Services Toggle.
  12. Ringer Mode (General / Vibrate / Silent)
  13. More to come… Drop your suggestions by email.

PERMISSIONS REQUIRED: STORAGE – Required for including shortcuts of a file on the device storage or to create an icon. CALL – Required for direct dial shortcut to any specified number.

Please use the Reports section in the app to directly interact with the developer via email.
Any feedback, suggestions, and bug reports are much appreciated.
If you like the app please share it with friends and family and leave a rating on the play store.

All the major updates released are based on the user requests and suggestions, please feel free to drop me an email anytime!!

How to Download and Use Mobile Circle SideBar Application?

  1. We have given below the opportunity to download the application beautifully, you can download it by following it.
  2. It is worth noting that when installing the application on mobile it asks for permissions to reflect his beautiful work.
  3. If all things are done correctly, you can easily get the highlights given in this application.
Circle Side Bar App Play Store
Responsive Buttons

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