Caller Name Announcer [Play Store]

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Caller Name Announcer app


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This website section is designed to provide you with clear information about this Caller Name application selected from the Play Store along with photos.

We realize that you may have come here from our Tn shorts site before, but this section of the website will be very useful to you even if you want to know this personally and directly.

Photos related to this Caller Name Announcer application that provide an interesting experience, all the information provided by its creator is collected from the Play Store and is waiting for you below, read it clearly first, then download and use on a voluntary basis.

play store details in below

Official SitePlay Store
Play RoleCaller Name Announcer
Nowadays Installs10,000,000+
App Size3.5M
Offered ByAnyDroid Technology Pvt Ltd
App PolicyPrivacy
AddressBahria Town Phase 8, Rawalpindi – Pakistan 46220
Why Use ThisRequired

Welcome to Caller Name Announcer the top Android Tools app that announces the caller name the instant you receive an incoming call or text messages. Faster, better, and 100% free, This is a powerful announcer app to help you drive safely & helps you interact with the device in situations when you’re physically limited.

Easy set your Caller announcer preferences and details in After Calls

Call and SMS announcer

  • Announces calls and SMS loudly.
  • Announces SMS with content.
  • Announcement facility during call waiting.
  • Announces unknown calls by custom name or number.
Caller ThemesScreen Zoom
No Number CallFree Calls

Announcement Settings

  • Option to change announcement speed.
  • Adjust different announcement volume for calls or SMS.
  • Announcer works in all modes (Ring, Silent, Vibrate).
  • The app works with any TTS (Text to Speech) engine.
  • Announcer supports many languages. (TTS supported languages)

Flashlight Alerts

  • Get Flash Alerts for incoming calls, SMS, and notifications.
  • App has various flash blinking patterns.
  • Separate flash numbers for SMS and notifications.
  • Flash Alerts works in all modes (Ring, Silent, Vibrate).
  • Flash Alerts are automatically closed when there is a low battery.

Contact Settings

  • Disable all alerts for specific contacts.
  • Set a custom name for a particular contact number.
  • Turn off announcer or flash alerts for specific contacts.
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How to download this application?

  1. We have created the app install option in a button, the site below for your perusal.
  2. When you install this Caller Name Announcer application on your mobile you will be asked for permission to name everyone on your contact list.
  3. It is noteworthy that from now on all incoming phone calls to your mobile will tell you the name you have registered if all things are done correctly.

We hope this article is helpful to anyone who wants to change the experience of incoming phone calls on mobile a little better, so please share your thoughts about this article with us, share it with your friends and let them benefit too.

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