UNWANTED CALLS: What Is an Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp?

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Are you tired of being interrupted by unwanted calls on WhatsApp? Imagine having the power to put an end to telemarketers, spammers, and unsolicited contacts while you’re trying to relax or enjoy your free time. Well, the solution is here – the Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp app.

This app empowers you to take charge of your communication by giving you the ability to blacklist specific contacts or unknown numbers.

Once you add them to your blacklist, they won’t be able to bother you with audio or video calls on WhatsApp anymore.

Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp
Image (Appsol Techno On Play Store)

Play Store Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp

App WorkAudio Video Call Block for WhatsApp
OfferedAppsol Techno
PublishedPlay Store
Released onJun 28, 2023
Size6 MB only

Introducing the Audio Video Call Block App

Let’s see how this Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp app works and how it can change your WhatsApp experience:

Understanding the Options:

  1. All Calls: Disable voice and video calls for all contacts, both known and unknown.
  2. Unknown Numbers: Block voice and video calls specifically from unknown numbers.
  3. My Contacts: Block audio and video calls from contacts in your phone.
  4. Custom List: Craft your blacklist from contacts, unknown numbers, or even group names.

Creating your personalized blacklist is effortless. By utilizing these options, you can effectively block unwanted calls and maintain a peaceful messaging environment.

Key Features Of Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp:

  • Compatible with WA & WA Business: This app works seamlessly across both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business.
  • Block Voice & Video Calls: Choose which types of calls you want to block.
  • Scheduled Call Blocking: Set specific days and times to automatically reject unwanted calls.
  • Manage Blacklist: Easily control and update your list of blocked contacts for both voice and video calls.
  • Call Logs: Keep track of all blocked calls within the app.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for ease of use.

Making Your Experience Seamless:

Whether you want to block voice calls, video calls, or both, this app allows you to do so. Additionally, the scheduling feature lets you set specific times during the week to automatically reject calls. No more worrying about disturbances during your downtime!

Moreover, the call logs option keeps a record of all blocked contacts, so you can stay updated on who attempted to reach you.


It’s important to note that while this app provides an effective means to manage your WhatsApp calls, it is not officially affiliated with WhatsApp Inc.

We don’t claim ownership of any product names, logos, brands, trademarks, or registered trademarks mentioned within the app. These belong to their respective owners.

The names of companies, products, and services used in this app are solely for identification purposes and do not imply any endorsement or affiliation.

Reclaim your control over WhatsApp calls. Bid farewell to unwanted interruptions, spam, and disturbances, and regain command over who can reach you on both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business.

Take charge now – download the Audio Video Call Block for WhatsApp app and transform your messaging experience today.

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