Speaker Cleaner App Download

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Clean the speaker of your device with this new speaker cleaner to boost volume like a new phone. Speaker clean will eradicate water particles and dust cleaner to maximize your device volume.

This speaker cleaner will automatically fix the phone speaker and give you a volume booster effect by removing dust and other water particles for free.

Official SitePlay Store
Play RoleSpeaker Cleaner Online
Nowadays Installs10,000+
App Size12MB Only
Offered ByDr. Cell Phone
App PolicyPrivacy
Released onDec 2, 2022


Everyone wants quality sound to maximize the volume of the device then this speaker cleaner is for you to clean dust and remove water from the speakers of the phone.

An automatic dust cleaner will remove every small dust particle and remove water from the speakers of the device.

The volume booster will clean speakers and give you a sound booster effect after cleaning the speakers of your mobile phone.


The phone speaker will define the quality of the mobile device. So download speaker cleaner and remove water and dust particles from the speakers.

This simple tiny app will clean the speaker and boost the sound of your mobile. Play songs and videos without any issue with the sound even in crowded places as well.


  • The clean speaker in one tap
  • Volume booster of any Android device
  • Sound booster with fast speaker cleaner
  • Fix speaker volume for free
  • Remove water from the speaker
  • Dust cleaner and water splash remover
  • Easy and Fast speaker cleaner
  • Supported all Android devices
  • Tiny pack to clean speaker for sound booster
  • Speaker cleaner to clean dust and remove water
  • Simple user interface to use

Speaker dust cleaner to boost your phone volume and sound effects like an equalizer for Android. The free speaker cleaner removes water and dust particles and cleans the speaker like a new cell phone. Play music or any audio to enjoy the music from your phone.

This speaker cleaner is not just a clean music speaker it will work to clean call speaker and mic to make your phone calls more efficient also in crowded places or markets.

So completely clean your phone speaker like a new mobile with this tiny speaker cleaner app. Clean speaker with one tap and enjoy any type of music and audio with volume booster effect.

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