Color Button Instant Board – Shortcut Keybo

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Color Button Instant Board - Shortcut Keybo


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Nowadays mobile keyboard is more used because we share a lot of information on mobile and in this case keyboard shortcuts may be needed.

That means for example, you can create a keyboard shortcut on your phone like a shortcut on a computer keyboard, which is more helpful and surprising.

A great opportunity to help with this matter can be found in the article on these ways, which is recommended by the Play Store, and the photos taken from there, as well as the comments made by its creator, run below.

Note: Download and use at your own discretion, knowing all things.

play store details

App Size3MB
RoleInstant Board – Shortcut Keybo
Nowadays Installs100,000+
Offered ByZERO DEV
Official WebsiteVisit
Application PolicyApp Privacy
Address10 Rue Jean Baptiste Charcot

Hate typing the same thing over and over, one key at a time? Personalize and pre-program your keyboard with Instant Board – your personal custom keyboard for phrases and responses.


  • Create your own custom keys with predefined phrases.
  • Export/Import Keys between devices instantly.
  • Backup/Restore Keys.

Advanced Features:

  • Edit Keys directly in your backup file.
  • Clipboard and date as dynamic variable, so you can config them in any format.
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Color Button Instant Board play store IND shorts apps news
Image By Play Store
Color Button Instant Board App IND shorts apps news
Image By Play Store
Color Button Instant Board – Shortcut Keybo app IND shorts apps news
Image By Play Store

How does it work?

Once installed, your mobile keyboard will take over and suggest innovative shortcuts that are beautiful to look at, get more work done, and save time.

How to download it?

The chance to download article will also reach you while traveling, that chance is a pure chance, by following it you can directly go to play store and download it, you will get the original application and the update at the right time.

Color Button Instant Board - Shortcut Keybo
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Come on buddy say a few words!

Keyboard is helpful for all mobile lovers to chat on mobile, write and share information on mobile, where team is more than happy to provide an opportunity in this article to help that keyboard.

However, after taking many hours to choose, we recommended it because it was small after seeing the size, if you think it is good then recommend it to your friends.

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