Your phone or smartwatch got wet after dropping it in the water?

Speaker Water Cleaner

Image Source: Play Store

Speakers sound bad and muffled after water got stuck inside them? Don't worry, there is a quick and simple solution.

speaker dust cleaning sound

Image Source: Play Store

With the Speaker Water Cleaner app, you can clean and expel water from the speaker in term of seconds

Fix My Speaker - Play Water Removal Sound

Image Source: Play Store

This simple process of removing water from the speaker is very easy to do and has a success rate of more than 80%.

clean my speaker dust

Image Source: Play Store

Speaker Cleaner app uses sine wave sounds of predefined frequencies to remove water from the speaker. Sound waves cause the speaker to vibrate and shake off water stuck inside.

ear speaker dust cleaning sound

Image Source: Play Store

Speaker Cleaner app has a few built-in cleaning modes to help you remove trapped water inside the speaker with great success.

ear speaker dust cleaning sound online

Auto cleaning mode is an automated process of removing water from the speaker. With just one press of the button, your speaker will be fixed in 80 seconds

Download clear speaker dust sound

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SCREEN ARROW: Android Floating Bar

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